Ifyou'reeverinvolvedindriftdivingfromaboatthenadelayedSMBwill allowyourboatskippertofollowyourdiveandpickyouuppromptlyupon surfacing.Theyarealsoagreatvisualreferenceonyourascentstoo.For examplethemajorityofdiveboatskippersoperatingintheUKarenow requestingthatyouuseanSMBandmanymorewillfollow,soitreallygoes without saying that this course is a must for anyone wishing to sea dive
ThePADISMBspecialtycoursewillteachyouthesafestandeasiest techniquestoefficientlydeployadelayedSMBwhilststaticunderwaterand also whilst swimming
Course ContentThecourseconsistsofaknowledgedevelopmentpresentationand2open water dives which will cover:•Why use a DSMB / SMB?•Tides and currents•Types of Surface Marker Buoys•Types of reels•Methods of delayed SMB deployment•Risks and hazards of SMB use•Preparing the delayed SMB for use
Knowledge DevelopmentKnowledgeDevelopmentisbasedonaself-studymethod,allowingyouto studyinyourowntime,atyourownpace.Homestudyisbackedupbyan academicsessionwithaPADIInstructor,toensurefullunderstandingof surface marker buoy theory
Open Water DivesHere in the Mediterranean on the Costa Blanca students will complete 2 Open Water dives to certify as a PADI SMB Diver. During these dives students will demonstrate the ability to deploy a surface marker buoy from both a stationary and hovering position, as well as using the SMB line as an ascent reference.
Prerequisites: PADI Advanced Open Water Diver certification (or equivalent certification) Minimum age: 12 years oldown drysuit required
Get five specialty ratings including Padi deep diver specialtyand Padi navigation diver specialty and you're on yourway to becoming aPADI Master Scuba Diver.
Ifyou'reeverinvolvedindriftdivingfromaboatthenadelayedSMBwillallowyourboatskippertofollowyour diveandpickyouuppromptlyuponsurfacing.Theyarealsoagreatvisualreferenceonyourascentstoo.For examplethemajorityofdiveboatskippersoperatingintheUKarenowrequestingthatyouuseanSMBand many more will follow, so it really goes without saying that this course is a must for anyone wishing to sea dive
Course ContentThe course consists of a knowledge development presentation and 2 open water dives which will cover:•Why use a DSMB / SMB?•Tides and currents•Types of Surface Marker Buoys•Types of reels•Methods of delayed SMB deployment•Risks and hazards of SMB use•Preparing the delayed SMB for use
ThePADISMBspecialtycoursewillteachyouthesafestandeasiesttechniquestoefficientlydeployadelayed SMB whilst static underwater and also whilst swimming
Knowledge DevelopmentKnowledgeDevelopmentisbasedonaself-studymethod,allowingyoutostudyinyourown time,atyourownpace.HomestudyisbackedupbyanacademicsessionwithaPADI Instructor, to ensure full understanding of surface marker buoy theory
Open Water DivesHere in the Mediterranean on the Costa Blanca students will complete 2 Open Water dives to certify as a PADI SMB Diver. During these dives students will demonstrate the ability to deploy a surface marker buoy from both a stationary and hovering position, as well as using the SMB line as an ascent reference.
Course Prerequisites: Students must be certified as a PADI Open Water Diver, PADI Junior Open Water Diver or equivalent.Minimum age is 12.
Get five specialty ratings including Padi deep diver specialty and Padi navigation diver specialty and you're on your way to becoming aPADI Master Scuba Diver.
SMB Diver Specialty CourseWhetheryou'replanningoncoastaldivinglikeinthe NorthseaoronyourholidaytoEgypt,havingaSurface MarkerBuoy(SMB)willincreaseyoursafetyandcomfortand will alert boat traffic and other divers to your location.Ifyou'reeverinvolvedindriftdivingfromaboatthena delayedSMBwillallowyourboatskippertofollowyourdive andpickyouuppromptlyuponsurfacing.Theyarealsoa greatvisualreferenceonyourascentstoo.Forexamplethe majorityofdiveboatskippersoperatingintheUKarenow requestingthatyouuseanSMBandmanymorewillfollow, soitreallygoeswithoutsayingthatthiscourseisamustfor anyone wishing to sea dive
Course ContentThecourseconsistsofaknowledgedevelopment presentation and 2 open water dives which will cover:•Why use a DSMB / SMB?•Tides and currents•Types of Surface Marker Buoys•Types of reels•Methods of delayed SMB deployment•Risks and hazards of SMB use•Preparing the delayed SMB for use
Knowledge DevelopmentKnowledgeDevelopmentisbasedonaself-studymethod, allowingyoutostudyinyourowntime,atyourownpace. HomestudyisbackedupbyanacademicsessionwithaPADI Instructor,toensurefullunderstandingofsurfacemarker buoy theory
ThePADISMBspecialtycoursewillteachyouthesafest andeasiesttechniquestoefficientlydeployadelayedSMB whilst static underwater and also whilst swimming
Open Water DivesHere in the Mediterranean on the Costa Blanca students will complete 2 Open Water dives to certify as a PADI SMB Diver. During these dives students will demonstrate the ability to deploy a surface marker buoy from both a stationary and hovering position, as well as using the SMB line as an ascent reference.
Prerequisites: PADIAdvancedOpenWaterDivercertification(orequivalent certification) Minimum age: 12 years oldown drysuit required
Get five specialty ratings including Padi deep diver specialty and Padi navigation diver specialtyand you're on your way to becoming aPADI Master Scuba Diver.